Justice in Ferguson

          Alot of of the people in the small Missouri town of Ferguson want justice for Michael Brown, the 18 year old man that was shot and killed by a police officer. This rush to judgement is exactly what is wrong with the justice system.
          There is a big difference between justice and the truth. Once the grand jury winds down sometime over the next weeks, we, as the public, will be privvy to the facts and crime scene evidence presented by police. It will be with this evidence and facts that we will be able to find out exactly what happened that tragic day.
          I trust in the justice system because it works. In this case if it comes out that the police officer did indeed gun the teen down in cold blood, then he should be indicted and prosecuted.
          However, I believe that even if the evidence shows that it was a good shooting, common police terminology for justifiable use of force, then I fully expect the grand jury to indict the officer only to calm the tension in the community. Indiciting the officer to calm the people down, fully confident he will be exhonerated at trial, could be walking a slippery slope.
          If we indict police officers just to calm down protests then we are, in essence, negotiating with terrorists. They are using peaceful, yet sometimes violent protests, to directly impact criminal proceedings to their benefit or satisfaction.
          If we start here, where will it end? Will we start indicting everyone that falls under protest? Of course not. I know more than 50% of Americans protest and complain against President Obama’s misuse of Executive Powers. There is no indictment there. Millions around the world protest and complain against the Greek economic collpase caused by the misappropriation of funds by the European Union. Still no indictment there.
          No, I think this will only stop once there has been war declared on the American people by its own government. This war isn’t white and black. It isn’t even Muslim and Christian. It is a war between the haves and the have nots. Something is coming and it is coming soon. This is just the beginning.